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  Nr. 3952 de luni, 11 iunie 2007 
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Cornea: Basescu is just sly
"Basescu is very thirsty for power. He is also haughty, which is very dangerous", Doinea Cornea opines in her interview exclusively for ZIUA. You can read some fragments below.
"Vanity changes a politician in time. Even if he is good, vanity pushes him to do unwise things. Pride and vanity prevent him from negotiating. When I voted for him, I thought he had changed a bit because he had played his part as an open man very well, which makes me think he is a great actor. Did he compete against Adrian Nastase, I would anyway vote for him even now, as I think the former is keener no lies and more hypocritical. At least Basescu pretends to be sincere, although this way he is just sly. The President simulates sadness and benevolence, just as seen in the story of Mr. Stolojan's withdrawal from the elections. Basescu has got charisma, but Hitler had too. The peril is that he has got great power to manipulate people and there may be no control of the impact."
"To live in Romania has been a nightmare for 6 months now. I want Mr. President Traian Basescu to hear it too, because it was him who has fueled these disputes, intensifying them and being in offensive. Politically speaking, we are going from bad to worse. The government had been wrong with nothing, although there were ministers from several parties. I believe that Mr. Tariceanu's great merit has been the making of a team due to his politeness. The wish to ask for people's opinions again seems to be most dangerous demagogy, for someone may show up and make use of his popularity to propose God knows what aberration. I can notice that Tariceanu has minded his business, whereas Basescu has behaved like a hunter chasing the poor pray. That note Tariceanu wrote showed his concern that abuse might be committed, as proved with the interception of Mr. Patriciu's phone calls. I have not heard Mr. Tariceanu asking to be forgiven, but I have never heard the President apologizing for his mistakes and insults. (...) (I.S.)
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