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  Nr. 3951 de sambata, 9 iunie 2007 
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PSD wants power
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) told President Traian Basescu yesterday that they didn't think a government of the PD (Democrat Party), the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) was achievable. They claimed a PSD government was still the best solution. The President talked to their delegation (Titus Corlatean, Victor Ponta and Liviu Dragnea) for 20 minutes, but reached no practical solution. The two sides expressed their views and left with them unaltered. (...)
Victor Ponta argued that the party could not possibly support a solution that did not exist. The President asked then to explain why their solution was the best, which they did, reminding that the PSD had won the 2004 parliamentary elections and therefore they had the right to establish the Cabinet. The President reacted: "You keep on talking about a PSD government, but you aren't thinking about the country's good!" He also reminded the Social-Democrats about the latest referendum outcome: 25% together with the other four parties.
The delegation argued that it was the party's duty to go all the way with the referendum and that the government was a completely different issue. Sources explain the conclusion: "The rightwing rulers caused this crisis. It is Basescu and Tariceanu who must find solutions, not us. If possible, the solutions shouldn't reach us via the press."
Sources also say the PSD warned President Basescu that, despite the talks that had lasted for two weeks, the PM and his Cabinet were still in power. Sources claim: "We have got a PM unsanctioned by any bill against the government and therefore the consultations for a new government aren't motivated. He offered nothing, we offered nothing, but we announced that for the time being we would support no government structure."
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