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  Nr. 3951 de sambata, 9 iunie 2007 
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Romanian officials accused in CIA prison scandal deny involvement
-- Ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu: "Irresponsible fancy"
"This is stupid. I am surprised to hear it. I don't know who this Mr. Dick Marty is, what his profession is. But he is coming up with aberrant staff. While a head of state, I received no information or request. There could be no such activities without consent from state structures. Or I don't know about any talk of any kind about such things. Therefore it is aberration, all this is groundless. It would be unacceptable, had CIA dared do this without consent from Romanian authorities. I don't know the interests behind such statements, but it is irresponsible fancy."
Sergiu Medar, ex chief of the General Information Department in the Ministry of Defense and ex presidency adviser for national security: "Chain speculations"
"I organized, led and coordinated no activity related to what is in the report. The Military Information Department has never participated in any action related to the issues approached by Mr. Dick Marty in his report. (...) The report consists in chain speculations. One can't prove something that did not exist. I find the report totally unprofessional. Romanian authorities were open to it. "
Ioan Talpes, ex presidency adviser for national security: "CIA planes landed on grounds of NATO document"
"Romania consented to the landing of CIA planes. When negotiating, it was done in keeping with a document signed by all the NATO states. I am emphasizing the consent was in keeping with this agreement which the other NATO states had signed before Romania did. How could Romania know what was going on with those planes? Is this provocation for fools, is this against Romania and Poland and the others are smart? I like it that every time they find new informed character who comment on grounds of other people's aberration." (D.I, D.D.)
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