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  Nr. 3951 de sambata, 9 iunie 2007 
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-- According to the second Dick Marty report, CIA secret prisons in Romania existed for sure. The document invokes obstruction by authorities and the Swiss author makes use of other information means, including two ZIUA articles.
Romania and Bulgaria strike back in the CIA prison scandal kindled again yesterday, when the second evaluation of Dick Marty, a rapporteur of the Council of Europe, was released in Paris. Romania is described as a state accomplice to the US information agency and accused of having obstructed the inquiry coordinate by the Swiss MEP by refusing to cooperate in the name of the secret of state and of a concept such as national security. The Marty report lacks practical evidence and it abundantly invokes sources like "confidential", "own", "multiple", "independent", "credible", "Romanian", CIA", "secret service" instead. ZIUA is also present in the footnotes with two entries. (...)
It is the first time that the document has also pointed to those responsible for it: ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu and his successor Traian Basescu, ex presidency adviser for national security Ioan Talpes, as defense minister Ioan Mircea Pascu and ex chief of military services Sergiu Medar.
According to the document presented yesterday, certain holders of public positions knew, allowed and are responsible for the part Romania played in the CIA secret detention and operations in Europe. There is mentioned that Bucharest authorities skipped the classical mechanisms of democratic responsibility. The ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu tops the list of responsible political authorities in Romania, together with the ex presidency adviser for national security Ioan Talpes. Both officials are accused of having hidden the 'partnership' with CIA from the members of the Supreme Council for National Defense, as the latter were not to know about it. The ex defense minister Ioan Mircea Pascu and the ex chief of the military services Sergiu Medar are also claimed to have hidden important operations from significant military officials and officials they were subordinate to. In the document there is pointed that Sergiu Medar was the only official who left President Ion Iliescu's side to join President Traian Basescu. There is actually insinuated that his long leadership over the Department of Information and Military Representation, after Traian Basescu had become a President in December 2004, coincided with the period when the 'black locations' in Europe were eliminated, in November-December 2005. Ex presidency adviser is taken for "an influent person in the CIA programme" who guided President Iliescu's every decision on the harmonization of NATO requirements with the bilateral relations with the US. The author also notices that it was suggested that Talpes was the man to come up with the idea that facilities on Romanian territories should be available to US agents for activities related to 'the war against terrorism'. (...)
According to the report, the detainees transferred to Romania were of major importance, still taken as poor source of information.
The European Commission is demanding the accused states to open independent inquiries at once. The report released yesterday in Paris is to be debated in Strasbourg in June 27.
Anne-Marie LUPASCU
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