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  Nr. 3949 de joi, 7 iunie 2007 
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Some Liberals are dissatisfied with their boss
Several leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) are convinced that Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), and President Traian Basescu reached a deal to sack the Tariceanu Cabinet. They are dissatisfied that their boss's talks with the PSD representatives were secret. Liberals like Dan-Radu Rusanu, Ludovic Orban, Crin Antonescu and Norica Nicolai haven't even been announced or generally informed about the stage of Tariceanu's talks with PSD officials Mircea Geoana and Viorel Hrebenciuc.
One Liberal leader comments: "I am really convinced that Mircea Geoana reached deal with President Traian Basescu to do away with Tariceanu. The PSD may turn against the government once with the Democrats' bill against the Cabinet. The PM should have talked to all the leaders before making and getting offers." (...) (R.G.)
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