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  Nr. 3949 de joi, 7 iunie 2007 
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Absurd government
This is the first time after many a year that political analysts have reached consensus, taking President Traian Basescu's latest initiative as unachievable project. It is impossible to make a government with members representing the PNL (National Liberal Party), the PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party). It would be a 100% harmful alliance and it can't possibly get support from a parliamentary majority and it would continue in the opposition. Such a rare agreement of analysts, against the head of state's will, winner of the recent referendum, anticipates a spectacular move on the political stage: either an imminent disaster to harm Basescu himself or an unexpected move on the political chessboard that he is to make. The meeting held in Cotroceni Palace last Friday was not a bluff, but just a preliminary move.
The PD and the PNL are undoubtedly enemies, just as the PNL and the PLD. Moreover, the PD has just elaborated a parliamentary bill against the Tariceanu Cabinet, supported by all the Liberals and also by an overwhelming parliamentary majority. As for the PNL, this party is supporting the Social-Democrats' action. Therefore it is rather hard to imagine that by opening offensive against the Liberal government the Democrats also want to get to head a government together with the Liberals again, even if Tariceanu is done away with. Why would the PNL eliminate him, since the party has supported him so many times, both democratically and vigorously? And who can imagine that, shortly after some Liberals quit the PNL to join the enemy, any alliance would be possible, psychologically speaking? Not last, common sense has it that the number of MPs the PNL, the PD and the PLD would have would not be enough for parliamentary majority. Basescu gave up his early election plan because he was defeated by a state of politics hard to grasp because of his confused and aggressive reasoning. The new adventure scheduled for Friday seems even more bizarre, like a trial sentenced to death beforehand. Since I continue to count on his political intelligence, I can fancy for no second that the President is taking his own offer seriously. The offer sounds like this: a new PM to represent a rightwing group dismembered for good, made up of Socialists, disguised in adepts of the people's doctrine, and of Liberals moved to the new converts. Therefore I have got no reason to exclude from my scenarios the possibility that Basescu should be after something totally different. What?
The President is convinced that all the parties, except for the presidential one, will defy him next Friday - may I ask why are they attending such fake consultations? He is probably trying to prove that all his attempts to establish a powerful government, obedient to the right group, have failed. Maybe at the end of the week he will come out to tell his fans something like "See? They have dismissed this offer too!" And only thus can he produce his true project, with no swearing from his supporters. What may this dangerous, but feasible project consist in? In the Democrats' return to the mother ship, a PSD-PD alliance. This may manage to give power to his presidential party and also to the recent annex called the PLD. Is this by any chance the reason why the British ambassador and then the US ambassador were present at PSD meetings? Is this the meaning of the recent Basescu-Geoana meeting? Is this the meaning of the PSD leader's announcement that the party won't support the Democrats' bill, but the Social-Democrats will come up with their own bill?
Sorin Rosca STANESCU 
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