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  Nr. 3946 de luni, 4 iunie 2007 
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Democrats flourish
Romanian Democrats dominate the top of vote intentions. After the referendum in May 19 the PD (Democrat Party) has been rated with 30% more than the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), second in the top. This is one conclusion of the latest opinion poll by the Social Research Office.
If early parliamentary elections took place next Sunday, the PD would get 45,3%, the PSD would reach 16,9%, the PNL (National Liberal Party) would achieve only 11,6%. The PNG (New Generation Party) is next with 8,7% and then there comes the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) with only 5,1%. It is to be mentioned that Romanians who don't want to go voting or haven't decide who to vote for reach 23%.
As far as trust in concerned, Traian Basescu is top of the list due to 58,4%, followed by Mugur Isarescu, governor of the National Bank of Romania, who enjoys 44,2% and Gigi Becali with 29,4%.
As for who is the most corrupted Romanian politician alive, 19,6% of Romanians say Adrian Nastase, 10,3% answer Dan Voiculescu, 6,9% utter the name of Traian Basescu and 5,2% opine Calin Popescu Tariceanu. (...)
PD forbids talks with PSD
Romanian Democrats are going to have no talks with the PSD with view to the support for a bill against the present government. The PD president Emil Boc announced it last Saturday.
The PD vice president Cezar Preda said even more yesterday, warning that those Democrats taking up this issue again would risk being expelled. He was straight: "The PD has not initiated, the PD has not have talks, negotiations or collaboration with the PSD lately. The electoral basis of the PD wants no talks with the PSD and the PD does not wish to negotiate with those we have been fighting against for two years and a half now." He added the bill would be sent to the Parliament again this week. (...) (R.I.P.)
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