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  Nr. 3946 de luni, 4 iunie 2007 
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Protest for Andrei Ivantoc
Journalists who were at Transdniestria's border last weekend wrote a protest against the way Ivantoc was aggressed while being set free from prison. There is mentioned: "As representatives of the Romanian press and civil society on both banks of the Prut River and witnesses of Andrei Ivantoc's release, a political detainees of the separatist regime in Tyraspol for 15 years, we are firmly protesting against the barbarian treatment he got from the representatives of the Transdniester Communists under the very eyes of the OSCE representatives to the Moldovan Republic."
The authors of the document also argue: "We are protesting against the way Chishinau authorities watched the aggression against the political detainee as well as against their attempt to belittle and even muffle the incident. Both the interior vice minister Sergiu Golovaci and the reintegration vice minister Ion Stavila lied, trying to misinform the press and public opinion in order to shamelessly muffle the separatist representatives' violence against Andrei Ivantoc. Moreover, in his intention to isolate the ex prisoner from journalists, Golovaci forced him into his personal car, although Ivantoc opposed it strongly. He even tried to get out of the car, but the vice-minister pushed the brake and started infernal, abnormal race. The press was deadlocked by the Interior Ministry representatives so that journalists would get no access to Ivantoc, the journalists in Tighina also said.
Victor RONCEA, Chishinau 
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