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  Nr. 3942 de miercuri, 30 mai 2007 
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Waiting for Basescu
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has started talks with the other parliamentary parties, although not sure of what the party wants: power or opposition. The only target the PSD officials agreed on yesterday was to promote left projects specific for the party doctrine. As for the bill against the government the Democrats announced, yesterday the PSD leaders insinuated they wouldn't join the initiative. As for President Basescu, he is to address the Parliament today, the first time he is doing it after returning to Cotroceni Palace.
The PSD president Mircea Geoana argued yesterday that the party was to choose either early elections or support for the uninominal vote together with the other parties. But he also mentioned the PSD had the parliamentary bill available as instrument to point against the 2-year activity of the governing Liberal-Democrat Alliance.
As for negotiations with the other political groups, yesterday they only decided to focus on the promotion of left projects. Geoana avoided telling more, claiming it was too early to make comments on the future majority. As for the information that the Romanian President has insinuated he will appoint a PSD PM in case of dismissing Tariceanu's Cabinet, Geoana said the issue wasn't tackled. He claimed he noticed the President's "positive attitude" at the need for a reliable government. (...)
Boc waits for directions from Cotroceni Palace
The Democrats have decided to elaborate the parliamentary bill after the President speaks to the Parliament today. Romanian Democrats' leader Emil Boc mentioned yesterday that in order to get enough adepts there was need of persuasion on MPs from groups other than the Democrat and the Liberal-Democrat ones.
Conservatives think about it
The Conservatives want to analyze the parliamentary bill against the government first. Leader Dan Voiculescu argued yesterday: "We have to see the arguments in the document first. Our view on the Democrat Party is the same, but our only concern is the state of politics." (...)
UDMR available for talks
The MPs from the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) won't vote for such a bill against the Tariceanu Cabinet simply because it would be immoral to be part of the government and vote against the government. It was the UDMR leader Marko Bela who said so yesterday. Still he admitted that, given the present circumstances, only support from the PSD could lead to the making of majority. When asked if the PSD had contacted him on it, the UDMR leader answered: "I have talked to Mr. Geoana several times. But until now I haven't been asked for a meeting on the making of the parliamentary majority." (O.B., A.H.)
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Waiting for Basescu   de Nababul123
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