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  Nr. 3941 de marti, 29 mai 2007 
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In heaps for the governing
Basescu met yesterday all the parties. All of them, except for PD (the Democrat Party), flee from the early elections and wish they ruled the country from Victoria Palace. Politicians' desperate approaches to get into the electorate's good graces make them look ridiculous most of the times, and the effect is quite opposite to the expected one
In the electoral campaign for the referendum we have witnessed petty politics and populist speeches quite grotesque. Political leaders exceeded in accusations alternated with promises and made quite hilarious gestures. The key-word seems to have been "the people" whom "we have to turn our faces" to. To be persuasive, the president wants to face the people every three months, occasion on which he will inform them on the disasters produced by the Parliament in complicity with Tariceanu's Executive. It doesn't matter that the Parliament is practically the people's mouthpiece. It is important for us to believe that the only immaculate and riding a white horse is the president.
The Prime Minister has urged his Cabinet members to go in the country and see what are the people's troubles, Geoana has expressed his intention to terminate the inhuman capitalism, the president much more close to the Father's right hand and Boc awfully imitates his messages. (M.T.)
Geoana's governments irritate the Cluj Group
Mircea Geoana didn't exclude yesterday Social-Democrat Party's entering the governance. "We do not refuse an entering the governance, however, this very moment we are in search of a majority able to give us a stable government. We shall see what we'll do after the negotiations with the parties. In a week, ten days at most, we shall be able to come out with a proposition", the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader stated. Sources inside PSD told us yesterday that Geoana's proposition concerning the support for a 3rd Tariceanu Government, a Stolojan Government or even an Isarescu Government displeased the Group from Cluj.
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