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  Nr. 3941 de marti, 29 mai 2007 
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Corruption in the MoFA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is carrying out an analysis on several cases of corruption in which diplomats would be involved, announced yesterday the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ilie Banica. According to him, detailed data on these cases cannot be communicated. However, he added, there are "clear evidence" regarding an "incorrect conduct, as reported to the professional standards", of several individuals from Romania's diplomatic and consular corps.
In the Board of Directors
In his turn, the chief of diplomacy, Adrian Cioroianu, has stated he wasn't interested in giving verdicts on the cases under analysis given the fact that this is related to the court duties. He also said he didn't have in view a "rush" in unmasking the corruption deeds within MoFA. However, some of those problems, signaled on account of several complaints, seem to have already been confirmed.
The number of those involved in these corruption cases is still unclear: during the "3X3" programme broadcast last Saturday by Realitatea TV, the Foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu said it was about 10 cases. The MoFA spokesman Ilie Banica refused yesterday to confirm that number.
These corruption cases in the Romanian diplomacy will be analyzed in a meeting of the Ministry's Board of Directors next Friday, said, yesterday, minister Cioroianu.
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