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  Nr. 3941 de marti, 29 mai 2007 
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Letter scandal
Victor Ponta states that the minister of Justice wants to modify the Law on ANI (National Integrity Agency) because of the letter he might have received from Franco Frattini. Tariceanu and the minister of Justice deny the existence of such a letter.
The hypothesis of a letter sent by the European Union officials, by which the Romanian authorities would be drawn attention upon the risk of enabling the safeguard clause on Justice, generates new controversies. After the minister of Justice, Tudor Chiuariu, had announced yesterday his intention to amend the Law on ANI, PSD (Social-Democrat Party) vice-chairman Victor Ponta said, as quoted by Realitatea TV, that Chiuariu wanted those changes because of the letter he might have received from Franco Frattini.
European Commission's denial
The European Commission denied the existence of a letter from Franco Frattini on the Law concerning the set up of the National Integrity Agency, according to a RFI (Radio France International) broadcast.
According to the quoted source, Franco Frattini sent no letter to the authorities in Bucharest, says a RFI Romania, quoting an EC spokesperson. Consequently, at least at an official level, says RFI, Franco Frattini did not interfere in this matter. This statement invalidates what Victor Ponta said.
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