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  Nr. 3941 de marti, 29 mai 2007 
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Golden palm
Cristian Mungiu's sensational performance should scatter to the winds the Mafia in the cinematography, patronized by minister Iorgulescu, who put spokes in the wheels of the movie that has been awarded the Palme d'Or
The jury Iorgulescu had chosen for approving the funding of the "4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile" (4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days) project ranked Mungiu's proposition on the 4th place. A film made by Sergiu Nicolaescu had occupied, as usual, the first position in the hierarchy established by the National Cinematography Center (Ro.: CNC). ZIUA daily found out the grades Mungiu's film got: Dinu Tanase - 6,40, Marin Vladimir - 7,00, George Balaita - 5,80, Constantin Chelba - 8,20, Radu Nicolae - 8,00. Eventually, the financial support from the budget, which CNC shares upon criteria referring to clientele, was of 1,100,000 lei. In December 2006, when the funding contest was organized, Mungiu received only half of the amount needed for ending his artistic production. Now, after his success at Cannes Festival, officials in the Romanian culture exceed in appreciating his performance and assume the merit. Iorgulescu says this is the greatest performance of all times for the Romanian film industry. The Ministry congratulates the author on all TV stations. Eugen Serbanescu, CNC director, boasts about the funds he had granted for this movie to be made. In fact, Iorgulescu and Serbanescu should resign from the offices. The two back up bankrupt projects to the prejudice of those mostly appreciated by the highest forum of art cinema. Suffice to recall that another performance of the Romanian cinematography, "Moartea domnului Lazarescu" (Mr. Lazarescu's Death), hadn't even qualified for the CNC funding.
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