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  Nr. 3939 de sambata, 26 mai 2007 
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Prisons for priests
Clergymen who make mistakes in their profession are sent to secluded monasteries for penitence. It is the bishop who decides on the location for punishment.
St. Nicholas Monastery, also known as Balamuci Monastery, close to the locality of Sitaru, is one such settlement for the sanctioned.
The penitence usually lasts between 1 week and 6 months. The goal is discipline by leading a simple life, deprived of many things. 'Detention' is very drastic: waking up at 5:30 in the morning every day, laboring for the monastery and waking up at midnight for praying.
Visitors come only if the abbot allows it and parcels sent by families are forbidden. After the punishment is over, the abbot is to report to the bishop on the conduct of the punished. Patriarchy spokesman admits there are cases of punished priests, but very few. (...) (I.G.)
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