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  Nr. 3939 de sambata, 26 mai 2007 
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Everyone threatens government
Romanian President Traian Basescu is to meet with parliamentary party heads next Monday, in an attempt to establish a different parliamentary majority. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is the key element due to the largest representation in the Parliament. But the party has got few choices to make because of the "directions from Brussels", forbidding talks with the PD (Democrat Party).
Yesterday Geoana's party criticized the Liberals' lack of attitude at the opening of talks between the two parties. They announced a bill against the government might be the effect of it unless Tariceanu responded to this proposal.
As for the Democrats, they want to govern only if elections are held and they threaten to bring the government down. All the parliamentary parties have actually invoked this procedure, but none has taken action. The Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania is for lustration, but against the uninominal vote. The "Greater Romania" Party says its representatives aren't going to meet with the President on Monday. The Conservatives agreed to do it in the last minute.
Negotiations are expected to be complicated. The President who will be chairing the meeting, known as a selfish partner, will be complicating the outcome even more.
PSD uses bill as threat
The PSD has threatened to come up with a parliamentary bill against the government unless PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu decides to search support in the Parliament sooner. The PSD leaders are very displeased with the PM's passivity and disinterest in the talks between the PSD and the PNL (National Liberal Party). PSD leader Ioan Rus comments: "Calin Popescu Tariceanu should be the first to take a step. He has got the obligation to find parliamentary majority. (...)" According to Rus, the PSD is possible to take over. He opines that if Tariceanu wants to govern on Liberal principles only, with no exception, he will get only failures in the Parliament. "Failure after failure would lead to a bill against the government", he threatens. (...)
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