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  Nr. 3938 de vineri, 25 mai 2007 
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Liberals appeal to the EPP's decency
-- Europarliamentaries from PNL (National Liberal Party) have turned to the EPP politicians, and have asked them to show a political decency and objectivity in their statements about Romania. The Liberal representatives in the EP have been irritated by the recent statements of Elmar Brok and Markus Ferber who have explicitly suggested early elections or even the enabling of the safeguard clause.
Adina Ioana Valean, Cristian Busoi, Tiberiu Barbuletiu, Horia Toma, Vergil Serbu, Liberal Europarliamentaries, express, in a communiqu�, their "indignation towards the recent series of attacks some European People's Party politicians have had against the Government and towards their propositions for the organization of early elections in Romania". "We do not question the right of some European parliamentarians to monitor Romania's progresses and the continuation of reforms, but opinions on another country's domestic politics should be within the limits of a political decency and show balance and objectivity", according to the communiqu� Mediafax quotes. "We considerate as inappropriate to be treated as a third country, that receives 'precious instructions' on the domestic politics, especially when they serve, in fact, the interests of a Romanian political party". "We turn to the EPP officials to show objectivity when judging the political situation in Romania. They should be more prudent as well when they consider Romania needs early elections or when they ask for the safeguard clause. Also, we recommend them to watch with the same objectivity and vigilance the political, constitutional and moral sideslipping of their colleagues from the same European political family", the Liberal Europarliamentarians add. (A.H.)
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