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  Nr. 3937 de joi, 24 mai 2007 
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Bahamas account
-- US $500,000 have disappeared without a trace from the account of Petroklav Inc. Bahamas, a company set up at the order of the ex-minister Traian Basescu in 1991, for the "Petromin" affair
Anti-corruption prosecutors haven't managed to find out who took the money, but they have discovered stunning evidence. Basescu was a Chief Executive Officer and then resigned from the Petroklav Inc. Bahamas board in October 1992. He gave up this position shortly after the US $ 500,000 was transferred into the company's account. The director who replaced Basescu has declared before the prosecutors that he had had no idea this amount had existed into the company's account. Another weird thing is that the half million dollars got into the company's account on 28 September 1992, although it had declared the cessation of activity on 20 July 1992. The money came from a four million dollars credit taken from Cristiania Bank - Oslo, for which Bacesti ore-carrier had been mortgaged. Prosecutors have also found out that 3.5 million dollars got to the "United Dutch" Comp., that doesn't exist, according to the investigations carried out so far. A synthesis of president Basescu's delinquent activity related to the "Fleet File", where the "Bahamas account" is also referred to, got to PNA (National Anti-Corruption Parquet) in 2002. Investigators reached the conclusion that the loot from Petromin was carried out at the initiative and with a decisive contribution of Traian Basescu. Due to a faulty proceeding, the file was sent back to the DNA (National Anti-corruption Department within the Ministry of Interior) in 2005 and still waits for Morar's signature.
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