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  Nr. 3937 de joi, 24 mai 2007 
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Constitutional Court validated referendum
The Constitutional Court has decided with no dissentient voice that the organizational procedure of the referendum has been observed and that a majority of the votes expressed for the removal from office of the president hasn't have a quorum, so that, the interim at the presidency ceases when the Court's decision is published in the Official Gazette. The chairman of the Court, Ioan Vida, has stated, in a plenary meeting of the Parliament that, according to the decision made unanimously, the Constitutional Court acknowledged that the referendum organizational and deployment procedures for the removal from office of President Traian Basescu have been observed. Vida has also shown that, on account of this decision, the Constitutional Court confirmed the results of the national referendum on the removal from office of President Traian Basescu and acknowledged that a majority of the valid votes expressed, at national level, by the citizens participating in the referendum hasn't formed a quorum. The chairman of the Constitutional Court has added that, once this decision was published in the Official Gazette, the interim mandate exercised by Nicolae Vacaroiu ceases and the same day Traian Basescu took back his duties as a head of State. Vida has specified that the decision of the Constitutional Court is a final and mandatory one. (R.G.)
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