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  Nr. 3931 de joi, 17 mai 2007 
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Macovei: Lying offensive against my statement on properties
Monica Macovei, formerly a Justice minister in the Romanian government, wrote a letter to Tudor Chiuariu, right now a Justice minister, demanding him for explanations on his decision to delete her statement on personal properties from the Ministry's website. Macovei claims this to be a means for "lying offensive" of political nature against her.
In her letter there is mentioned: "I assume that the decision of the present Ministry officials to withdraw my statement on personal properties from the website is illegal, because it breaks Law 115/ 1996, the subsequent modifications included, and it is therefore an abuse."
The minister claims that when quitting her mandate on April 5 she handed in her statement on personal properties, registered both by the Ministry of Justice and the General Secretariat of the Government. She says that those statements on personal properties written while she was a minister and in the last days of her career as a Justice official were deleted from the Ministry's website.
Dan Voiculescu, a leader of Romanian Conservatives, demanded the Romanian Justice minister last Tuesday to search Monica Macovei's fortune, because of clues on illicit goods. In his letter to minister Chiuariu, Dan Voiculescu claimed that the ex Justice minister didn't update her statement on properties and moreover, she had taken back the initial one.
Monica Macovei mentioned as well that she would decide on future attitude depending on the Justice Minister's reply. (D.I.)
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