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  Nr. 3931 de joi, 17 mai 2007 
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Lustration turns into priority
A lustration law, dialogue between Romania's President and former Presidents and King Mihai too are the main topics Traian Basescu opened last Tuesday on Realitatea TV station. The suspended President pleaded that a lustration law should pass so that the condemnation of communism would be complete.
Ion Iliescu, Romania's ex President, replied that people shouldn't be condemned for their past or for their parents' past. As for dialogue, Iliescu claims he is willing to take part.
Emil Constantinescu, also a former President of Romania, may also agree, as his critique of Traian Basescu has softened lately. The only still ambiguous point is the suspension: Basescu has kept on claiming it is the work of Iliescu, whereas the latter is denying it, mentioning he cannot even remember whose idea it was.
Deeds to be judged, not papers
Traian Basescu announced last Tuesday that the lustration law would turn into one of the priorities he would negotiate on with the parliamentary majority after the referendum. He reminded the project existed and the final stage was for MPs to pass it. The suspended President insisted it would complete the condemnation of communism.
Ex President Ion Iliescu replied yesterday that a lustration law shouldn't be "soaked with Stalinist spirit". He commented: "Right now it is Stalinist because people are condemned for their past and their parents'. " He opined this law should protect society against people lacking moral authority. (...) (O.B., V.D.)
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