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  Nr. 3924 de miercuri, 9 mai 2007 
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Conservatives' leader claims Democrats' campaign is dirty
Dan Voiculescu, leader of the PC (Conservative Party), provided the press yesterday with a copy of the letter written by Emil Boc, president of the PD (Democrat Party), to urge prefects to take into account the "keenness" on Traian Basescu and the party in their choice for heads to rule the electoral committees. The Conservative threatened he would inform the Council of Europe against the PD leader.
In the text Voiculescu fetched yesterday there is mentioned that one measure to be taken to accomplish the campaign mission was "the mobilization of local PD officials, mayors, councilors, prefects and more to become representatives of the PD in electoral committees". According to the letter, such local Democrats should appoint heads for the electoral committees in poll stations taking into account their keenness on the party and on President Traian Basescu.
Marian Zlotea, the Democrats' representative to the District Electoral Office, comments the letter disclosed yesterday is "gross fake" made up in the labs of the Conservatives and the Social-Democrats. (...) (V.D.)
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