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  Nr. 3924 de miercuri, 9 mai 2007 
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Transitory solution
Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President, announces that after the referendum due on May 19 he will be trying to get some time until elections by negotiating on a majority to achieve the political reforms and guarantee the independence of Justice.
In yesterday's debate with the members of the GDS (Group for Social Dialogue), he argued: "Of course it is a transitory solution. After all, this majority must emerge by elections, the democratic way." Although not mentioning possible members of such majority, Basescu proved flexibility as far as the possibilities were concerned, also sweetening his critique of the 322 Romanian MPs.
When asked what would follow in case Romanians voted against his dismissal, Basescu answered: "I will be trying to get time and negotiate on a majority to pass the new electoral law and guarantee that politics won't interfere in Justice." He claimed Romania no longer had time for postponing the reform of the political class. He explained that the majority he was thinking of was a matter of parties. As for himself, he said he would be supporting a "right, right-center" solution.
He was also asked about his future approach of the 322 MPs and he answered there were about 30-40 top party members who had ordered members to vote against him and who had been in contact with influential people in economy, also taking a personal interest in the sack of Justice minister Monica Macovei.
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