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  Nr. 3924 de miercuri, 9 mai 2007 
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Sack the corrupted man!
I think I am realistic if claiming today is the last day when political parties who want the President suspended have the opportunity to set the rhythm and adopt a simple, coherent and efficient strategy to mobilize their electorate. Just as usually, Traian Basescu's action isn't sophisticated at all. It is brutal and primitive, but the messages he is giving people get full feedback. By claiming indirectly that those guilty of such discontent are the corrupted politicians, also freemasons and allies of the neighbour in the East, the suspended President is playing with those issues most dear to Romanians, to those who lack the slightest knowledge of politics. What should political parties be doing to turn the projected suspension of the President into fact?
When Basescu argues against the political class, he should be publicly explained that he is the embodiment of the political class with all its qualities and flaws, although he is an anti-system leader, which is all the more severe. He should be explained that he himself is one much experienced politician. Some governments lacked any achievements, it is true, but 'Basescu- Chivas on 3 rocks' must be bluntly told that he took part in almost all these governments and had key positions. When Basescu dares prove unrelenting about corruption, his adversaries should simply point to the very suspended President, proved guilty of abuse and corruption in some cases, together with his family, political and business partners and his illegitimate group of interests. They should reply by a message as simple as "Sack the corrupted man!"
When the same Basescu speaks against the freemasons, his ties with Ioan Talpes should be uncovered at once, for the latter is an evil freemason. The rough, but simple messages released by Basescu should get as explicit, sharp replies.
When they want to suspend and then dismiss the President, the political parties representing over two thirds of Romanians have to provide their electorate with a common, unifying message, no matter the political orientations. This is because the project itself is what they are sharing and a product can't be promoted by means of different slogans. And no out of date President ca be sacked by means of slogans that contradict each other. There is also the fact that the task of the National Liberal Party, the Social-Democrat Party, the "Greater Romania" Party, the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania and the Conservative Party is to come up with alternative. I think it must be explained to Romanians that without Basescu we will be able to promote a sane man to Cotroceni Palace.
But there have been no such simple, coherent and efficient messages, unfortunately. Unless they come up today and tomorrow, Basescu will win the referendum and the pell mell will go on.
Even if the project to dismiss Basescu fails, it still doesn't mean the Parliament, the most important institution of a democratic system, will be weakened or demolished. And the institution would no longer be described as illegitimate. The Parliament's acts can't possibly be illegitimate, but only mistaken. It is regrettable that public personalities supposed to be scholars, such as Mircea Mihaies, dare come up with ideas as fanciful as the limiting of the number of mandates that the MPs have the right to. Apart from theoretical allegations, he is unable to name at least one modern democratic state under such a regulation. In his wish to stand by Basescu, Mihaies strikes back to mock my son. I am telling him that the rest of my family is also available, my 2-year old grandson included. Maybe he can thus come to senses.
Sorin Rosca STANESCU
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