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  Nr. 3923 de marti, 8 mai 2007 
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Guide of conversation with Romanian delinquent
Infractions committed by Romanians in the Western countries have reached alarming levels lately. Italy is really shocked by the crimes some of our fellow countrymen committed in only a few weeks, many of the Italians going so far that they consider the Romanian immigrants a real "threat to the public order and the inhabitants' safety". Great Britain is another country having great trouble because of the immigrants from Eastern Europe. Approximately 85% of the financial infractions are committed in this country by Romanian gangs, according to a warning document of the Government in London. Decided to lose every means in their fight against the Romanian delinquents, the British authorities have edited an English-Romanian guide conversation that might help the police force to better communicate with the ill doers of our country.
Ten essential expressions
After the introduction formula "Excuse Me!" (Scuzati-ma!), a series of specific questions follow: "Can I have a word with you?" (Pot sa vorbesc cu tine?) and "Can I ask what you are doing in this area?" (Pot sa intreb ce faceti in zona aceasta?), then "Please tell me your surname and forename" (Va rog sa-mi spuneti numele de familie si prenumele) and "Signature, please!" (Semnati aici va rog!). The Romanian version is accompanied by a phonetic translation to help the policemen have a good pronunciation. However, the lawmen haven't been very pleased by the English-Romanian guide, saying that this initiative, theoretically a praiseworthy one, raises a fundamental question: what would they do if the suspects answer back into their native tongue?
"Some of us were having problems even with the English language, and now we have to make conversation into Romanian...If the suspects answer in Romanian or in any other foreign language, we haven't done anything. Sometimes we have no idea in what language answer the individuals we are interrogating. No doubt that this plan is based on good intention but, unfortunately, we've got no other", said one of the officers. This guide also contains some possible answers Romanian delinquents might use: "It's a fair cop" (Am dat cu nuca in perete); "It wasn't me, guv" (N-am facut nimic sefu'); "I'm bang to rights" (M-ai prins cu mata in sac), etc.
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