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  Nr. 3919 de joi, 3 mai 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
US ambassador advises Romania to keep democracy intact
Nicholas Taubman, the US ambassador to Romania, has recently expressed his concern about the latest evolution in Romanian politics. In his interview to "22" he argues that US authorities really trust the relations between Romania and the US, but he also outlines his concern about political games lacking fair play in Romania. The US official mentions there should be one single scenario: that on equal chances and competition on stable rules.
Like he did it before, ambassador Taubman points to the doubt the ongoing political crisis has raised in foreign investors and businessmen. He opines what Romania must do is continue to make progress with the Justice reform and the fight against corruption in particular. The US official emphasizes it is essential to remain credible, even in terms of Romania's skill to make citizens prosperous and keep democracy intact. (...)
As for the future US investments in Romania, Taubman says there are US businessmen interested in it, but they can hear reasons for concern from different places too. He claims the rule of law, predictability and stability are key elements for such business. (A.H.)
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