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  Nr. 3919 de joi, 3 mai 2007 
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Liberals' strategy for referendum
PM Tariceanu and the other leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) have settled an aggressive electoral strategy, including issues against Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President: the Fleet case, the house in Mihaileanu Street, Elena Udrea and the Golden Blitz group.
PNL sources claim: "PM Tariceanu has urged us to be active in mass media and dismember terms like oligarchs, which President Basescu uses. He has told us to say it that Basescu's populist discourse is meant to divert the electorate's attention to matters different than the ones he is guilty of. " The Liberals say they will focus on issues delicate to the suspended President in the time to come.
Tariceanu wants no demonstrations
Sources also claim that, together with PNL strategists Ludovic Orban and Dan Motreanu, the PM has decided not to arrange demonstrations against Basescu. The Liberal leaders are said to be afraid that the party will fail to gather enough demonstrators and that demonstrations may have a boomerang effect and turn against the party.
The Liberals have also decided to keep on invoking publicly the unconstitutional manner in which Basescu dismissed the defense Teodor Atanasiu and refused to sign decree to appoint Liberal Cioroianu a foreign ministers. Sources mention that the campaign will also count on the idea of withdrawing Romanian troops from Iraq, given the opinion polls favorable to such a decision and Romanians' interest in the issue. (...)
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