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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Appeal for Vacaroiu
Sorin Iliesiu, a vice president of the Civic Alliance, is asking the Interim President of Romania Nicolae Vacaroiu to support civil society claims to learn the truth about "the massacre in December 1989 and the fratricide in June 1990". The letter for the Interim President marks 17 years since the start of protests in the University Square, Bucharest, the longest demonstrations against communism ever in history: 52 days and nights nonstop.
Iliesiu mentions in the Appeal that civil society's solicitation has got support from Romania's General Attorney, Laura Codruta Kovesi, as all conditions are met for prosecutors in charge of the cases on the Revolution and the events in June 1990 to carry them out and reach very clear solutions. (...)
Civil society members also want the MPs sued or charged to be suspended from the Parliament at once, until their innocence is proved. (O.B.)
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