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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
The US no longer wants NATO Summit in Bucharest
The latest evolution in Romanian politics has made the North Atlantic Alliance postpone announcement on a decision about the location to house the NATO Summit in 2008.
A choice for a country host to the NATO reunion meant to invite more states to join the Alliance was to be made during the reunion of foreign ministers of NATO states taking place in Oslo this week.
According to Mediafax Agency, official sources claim the Alliance wants to accept Romania's candidacy. But the official announcement will be late, as some sources say the US has changed its mind about the choice for Romania. On the other hand, there are some who claim the decision is still the same, but they are waiting for the situation in Romania to calm down first and then the choice for the Bucharest offer will be announced. Romania and Portugal are the two states that placed offer for housing the NATO Summit. (D.E.)
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No Base, no summit   de John.Valjean
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