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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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Barroso hopes crisis will end soon
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, expressed his hope that Romanian institutions would manage to end the crisis as soon as possible, in keeping with democracy and constitutional principles. The European Commission provided the information by press release.
There is mentioned that both the suspended President of Romania and the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu talked to Jose Manuel Barroso on the phone yesterday. The EU official argued that Romania was aware of the need to continue the necessary reforms, the Justice one and the fight against corruption, two commitments it took when joining the EU.
Bluff by kleptocracy
Yesterday's edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a thorough report of the political situation in Bucharest, titled as mentioned above. Here is how Rompres agency summarizes the analysis: "Traian Basescu, President of Romania, was suspended because of his merits. Deputies and senators voted against him because his commitment for the rule of law was not in keeping with the need of the parliamentary kleptocracy for protection against criminal inquiry. After driving Macovei away and suspending Basescu, there is now open way for getting rid of the prosecutors and judges who top the fight against corruption. Romania was a special case in the Communist era and it continues to be one today. The lesson to be learned from what is going on in this country can be used for other states waiting to join the EU. The reforms, which wouldn't have been achieved if there had been no pressure from the EU, can be revoked anytime, when such pressure goes away. The safeguard clauses included in the Treaties of Accession with Romania and Bulgaria are not enough for discouragement." (...) (G.D., L.P.)
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