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  Nr. 3912 de marti, 24 aprilie 2007 
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Loved, but dismissed
The Roncea vs. Sorin Rosca Stanescu case I am challenging the public with in today's edition has made me proceed to an association of ideas effecting in the title above. I am therefore stating that in one month's time even Traian Basescu's supporters will have to vote against him, that is for his dismissal, which I will be trying to prove. There is one single reason for it: this is the only way the scandal can end. A return of the "Basescu-5 minutes" to Cotroceni Palace would undoubtedly cause huge prejudice to Romania and no advantage at all.
Let's admit that Traian Basescu, his adepts from the PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) and some civil society members are right. For the demonstration's sake I am ready to put up with the silly views claiming that the Parliament is illegitimate, although it is legitimate, and that Basescu and his group are being driven away to make room for the corrupted, the mob men, the illegitimate groups of interests and the swindlers who want silence so that they can steal. For one second, for the demonstration's sake too, I will allow the latest bomb explode in my head. It is that bomb produced by the Civic Media and lit by my colleague and friend Victor Roncea: the entire initiative to suspend and dismiss the President is deeply anti Washington and deeply pro Moscow as well.
Well, were these true, let's fancy that we will all participate in the referendum due in May 19. Suppose we are aware that we have to fight against the evil and be on the right side, therefore voting for Basescu. What will be the effect of it? He will go back to Cotroceni Palace, get back the office Vacaroiu didn't want to work in to avoid being haunted by blonde ghosts. He won't take Vacaroiu's office, for Basescu wouldn't want to be engulfed in the perfume of a KGB cloth, especially that he is as fond of Moscow and hateful of Washington as the Civic Media thinks. The office sealed today is the one Ceausescu himself chose.
So what if Basescu returns to Cotroceni? He will open a bottle of Chivas and fix a glass of whisky on no more and no less than 3 rocks, he will take the remote control and then start swearing against the government, the same government. He may not change the government, for it would be unconstitutional. And he hasn't really got power over the Parliament, the same one, the illegitimate one, to hell with it! It is an evil doing, villainous Parliament! As for the political class, things haven't changed. On the one side there are the Prince Charmings from the PD and the PLD, and on the other side there are his adversaries, the numerous heads of a dragon. It's enough to drive one crazy, isn't it? It's enough to make you pour yourself some more Chivas on 3 rocks. Then there are the talk shows and the briefings for official rebuke. And the others reply, of course, which is wonderful. The scandal goes on till 2009, when presidential elections are to take place. And if he gains a second mandate, which would be absurd, it will go on till 2014, when Romania will adopt the Euro, as Vosganian estimates. But if this Basescu stays, it won't happen.
As for myself, were I as stupid as I was before, meaning a supporter of Basescu, I would unhesitatingly vote for his dismissal. First, because otherwise I would vote for the greatest evil ever against Romania. And there can be found no evil greater than the escalating of the political scandal. Secondly, because I would harm my idol who may end up in alcoholic coma.
Sorin Rosca STANESCU 
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