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  Nr. 3904 de sambata, 14 aprilie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Vodafone mock
Events and Diverta, the two companies organizing the Rolling Stones concert to be played in Bucharest, have mocked the admirers of the legendary rock band, playing games with the ticket sale.
Due to the huge advertising campaign, the Vodafone users crowded to buy tickets on-line. But to their surprise they could only book the worst seats, despite the regulation announced in the promotion spread by above-mentioned phone operator. And there was more surprise.
The servers housing the website collapsed, the sale reached a standstill and some booking was cancelled. The problem was settled after the website had been moved to an international server, which was supposed to happen from the very beginning, according to the Events-Diverta-Vodafone contract. But instead they chose two Romanian websites of the RTC family, to which Diverta too is affiliated.
The nightmare of fans isn't over yet. Although they paid for them, they couldn't get their tickets. The employees of neither Diverta nor Events could explain where the tickets were. Still they started new ticket sale. There are not 57,000 tickets available to the concert scheduled for July 17.
All the companies part of the mockery, beneficiaries of substantial money, did was apologize, but without settling the problem or answering questions. Fans want to complain to the Consumer's Protection.
Dan Mircea CIPARIU
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