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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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Trichet: Romania will adopt the Euro when ready
Romania will adopt the EU currency when ready and the European Central Bank has expressed no view on the time when the state should become a member of the Euro zone. Jean-Claude Trichet, president of this institution, said it in yesterday's press conference. He mentioned the European Central Bank didn't set a certain time for it, as Romania would be welcome when ready for it.
The official answered a question about a piece of information the international press published last March, claiming that in a meeting with the governor of the Romanian National Bank, Mugur Isarescu, Trichet had suggested that Romania could be more ambitious and pursue to take up the Euro earlier than 2004. (...)
In early March the Financial Times quoted the governor of the National Bank of Romania arguing that Romanian authorities would be cautious about the adhesion to the Euro currency, despite the European Central Bank's recommendations that Romania should adopt the Euro sooner. (E.I.)
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