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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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Democrats get under shadow
Romanian Democrats announced yesterday their strategy as party in the opposition: a fierce shadow government. Taking the present government as model, the idea is meant to monitor the activity of ministers. After meeting with party officials, the PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc mentioned the part of the shadow government would be to monitor, criticize, censor and offer alternatives to the new Cabinet's activity. (...)
This is just one of the strategies the Democrats have conceived of for the time they will spend in the opposition. Another priority is to win all elections. They want to start by winning the elections for MEPs first.
The PD leader insisted that the party wouldn't be pretending to be in the opposition, like the Social-Democrats, and that the Democrats will act like a true party in the opposition, "without any ambiguity". "We will come up with bills, questions, legislative initiatives and firm critique of any slips", Boc argued. But Mircea Geona, head of Romanian Social-Democrats, replied that the Democrats couldn't possibly dream of parliamentary bill against the new government simply because they could not get the number of signatures needed. (...) (C.E.)
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