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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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BBC makes up things about Romanians
The protagonist of the BBC report claiming there are Romanian immigrants in Britain who live in Hyde Park tents said yesterday in a TV show on Realitatea TV that the BBC report was a fake for which he was paid 300 pounds: "During the filming I said I had lived in Hyde Park. But after cashing the money I told the BBC reporters that I hadn't stayed there for one single night. But they didn't take it into account and now I am sorry for what I said in the report, because they didn't release it all."
23-year old Romanian Daniel Zatreanu claimed the BBC representatives contacted him "in an Orthodox church in London" because he was "brown-haired and dressed in shabby clothes". He recounted they had set up the details for the filming "through a woman who spoke Romanian and said she was from the BBC". According to Zatreanu, the BBC reporters told him they wanted to film a report about the Romanians in London and they chose Hyde Park without explaining why. "I was attracted by the idea and I agreed", the protagonist mentioned. Although the BBC informed by communique on having paid 100 pounds to Zatreanu, the latter claimed he actually got 300 pounds and signed an empty piece of paper for it together with the BBC representative.
Corin Vintan, a spokeswoman for the Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, stated the following: "We trust British journalists. As for the contents of the report, the Romanian Embassy in London asked for an appointment to the BBC officials. It hasn't been scheduled yet, because the general manager is in the Middle East right now." (G.D.)
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