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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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Basescu: "The political battle has exhausted me"
It is the first time that Traian Basescu has said he may resign. In his interview to Cotidianul daily he explains some of his most controversial statements and views. You can read some fragments below.
He argues about his resignation: "There are vary many possibilities. There is the suspension and possibly the resignation, but only if the suspension is voted. I will make the most responsible decision, depending on the political evolution." The President admits: "It is clear that the political battle has exhausted me too, not only the other politicians on stage. But I know that Romanians actually understand the reasons for the battle I am fighting."
A government like "some people's estate"
As for the new government, the President's view is the same. He describes the Cabinet as a board once again: "A modern, democratic country is not to be run like a private company, like it were some people's estate. A board coordinates a company's business, but not the entire society's progress. A government is at most a structure to rule and control the application of regulation." He adds: "Take a careful look at the background of all the new ministers and at their supporters. You will see there were no parties, there was not the electorate's will, but some very strong and influencial people in economy, who even decided on a government's structure." He mentions: "If I tell you who these people are, 80% of the press will say the President pointed and he wants them in jail. If I don't tell who they are, you ask me who are they. Take it as such. As President, I have seen this is very harmful." He admits that there are more such people than Dinu Patriciu and Radu Fenechiu.
Corruption on the government's desk
The President says it once against that corruption is on the government's desk: "I think it was here all these 17 years. But it is important that is should be done away with. This can be achieved by avoiding law projects favoring the clientele, by not providing funds depending on the political orientation in the territory, by respecting the true priorities. Corruption can be eliminated by general measures in favor of everybody, but not of business friends."
He argues: "There obviously are businessmen whose influence leads to political decisions and laws favorable to them. (...) I mean those who are investigated for changing the destination of the Bancorex and Agriculture Bank credits and who now find themselves cleaned. I mean those who make laws to get rid of debts, such as the beer guys. I mean the duty free shops we must eliminate. Still there are interested duty free magnates who manage to influence the entire Parliament to vote the way they need, not the way Romania needs."
The country needs change
When asked how he will manage to appoint a new chief for the Foreign Intelligence Service in Romania, the President answers: "Simply: by recommending one. (...) If they agree, he is appointed. If they don't, I will recommend someone else or the executives will take over."
He outlines he has got no intention to give up the fight: "As long as I am the President of Romania, I won't give up the fight meant to change Romania and make institutions work. I have heard that allegation with the country that needs change. All Romanians want the country to change to the better. You yourselves show the dissatisfaction and this is how you get to offend your own country: 'I'm fed-up with Romania!' The country must be changed from within. Institutions must work. Otherwise it won't be an efficient country. Romania will remain one of the most flowed EU states." (A.H.)
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