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  Nr. 3903 de vineri, 13 aprilie 2007 
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The challenge
President Basescu announced yesterday that he would resign if the Parliament voted for the initiative meant to suspend him. This surprising statement is part of his interview to Cotidianul daily. Romanian MPs are to vote for against this proposal next Tuesday, after the Constitutional Court provides explanations to the decision reached one week ago. If the majority goes for suspending the President and Basescu announced resignation, early presidential elections are to take place in three months' time after the President's resignation. According to the Constitution, Social-Democrat Nicolae Vacaroiu, a president of the Senate, or Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, will become an interim president.
Resignation after suspension
Basescu mentioned in the interview that he might resign in case of being suspended. He claimed he was considering the idea of arranging early presidential elections to take place at the same time with the referendum on the uninominal vote.
As for his resignation, the President argued: "To give up the fight is out of question! I start from the idea that the President of Romania is facing the possibility of being suspended, despite the Constitutional Court's disagreement. I can conclude that suspension has become a political matter lacking constitutional grounds. Given this, referendum on the dismissal of the President means electoral confrontation between me and the Parliament. And I think the Parliament must be protected. It must not run the risk of being defeated by the Romanian people. This is why, in case of vote for suspension, those who caused this abuse must face the electorate at once. Right after the voting only my resignation can make us all face the electorate. As a President elected by Romanians, I want you to be sure than I will be a responsible participant in this democratic competition. I am inviting the political plotters who triggered the abusive suspension to participate too. We must start from the idea that, even in his last minute as such high official, the President of Romania may sign decree for referendum on uninominal vote, maybe to be held at the same time with presidential elections." (...)
Politicians don't believe it
Representatives of Romanian parties estimate the President won't do it. Democrat Radu Berceanu argues: "I think it is too late. If he resigns because of being suspended, it will be clear to everybody that this is why he is resigning." He claims the President had more appropriate occasions to resign, such as when the new government was established. In case of resignation, Berceanu continues, the President will give difficult times to both the PNL (national :Liberal Party) and the PSD (Social-Democrat Party): "Unless the two parties choose candidates for presidency, then they can step back. But if they have candidates, the latter must be Geoana and Tariceanu, who will be in great difficulty."
Puiu Hasotti, a vice president of the PNL, says the Liberals haven't decided to vote for or against the suspension. He opines Basescu won't resign. "He would admit that his suspension is motivated," he explains.
Cristian Diaconescu, a spokesman for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), comments his party isn't intimidated by the President's announcement and he adds the suspension procedures will go on.
Lucian Bolcas, representative of the "Greater Romania" Party, estimates Basescu wants to play the "scarecrow", meaning the uninominal vote referendum. He mentions his party is still thinking about how to vote.
Bogdan Ciuca, spokesman for the Conservative Party, has mentioned that the Conservatives will vote for the suspension.
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