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  Nr. 3902 de joi, 12 aprilie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
No reconciliation
-- The Romanian President can see no way to reconcile with the PM. Still he says he will continue to attend government meetings. According to Realitatea TV, this is what the President of Romania Traian Basescu says in his interview for Cotidianul daily.
He argues: "I will attend meetings, I will see to my attributions as head of state. Right now the government is going through easier times, of course." When asked if reconciliation with PM Tariceanu is possible, he answers that himself and the latter are "the representatives of two tendencies, sometimes totally opposite".
Basescu comments more: "In my relations with the government and the PM, I wanted the state to get modernized fast. It seemed to be that on the other side there was a PM dependent on the oligarchs' influence. Given this, no reconciliation is possible." (A.H.)
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