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  Nr. 3894 de sambata, 31 martie 2007 
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Valeriu Turcan, in Adriana Saftoiu's place
The president signed yesterday both the decree of release from the position of presidency advisor of Adriana Saftoiu, starting April 1st, and the decision of appointing Valeriu Turcan in the position of "state counselor at the Department of Public Communication, spokesman of the president of Romania", the Presidential Administration announced. PM Tariceanu dismissed Valeriu Turcan from the leadership of the Agency for Governmental Strategies exactly a year ago. Valeriu Turcan was born in 1976, in Bucharest and is a journalist by profession. Turcan has studied journalism at the University of Bucharest and also in London, first at BBC World Service and then at Leeds, where he has taken his Master's degree in international communication.
"I have known M. Valeriu Turcan for a short while, but I consider he is well trained, serious and diligent. I wish him every success!", stated yesterday for Mediafax the ex-presidential advisor Adriana Saftoiu.
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