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  Nr. 3888 de sambata, 24 martie 2007 
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PSD comes out of its shell
-- PSD (Social Democrat Party) spokesman, Cristian Diaconescu said that his party would back up in the Parliament the mandating of a restructured government and not a particular political force.
He showed that PSD didn't establish the political colour of this restructured government and the evolving majorities either. The Social-Democrat leader said that PD (Democrat Party) and PNL (National Liberal Party) continued to be the political adversaries of PSD, and that is why he appreciated as "ridiculous" the accusations concerning the collaboration with PSD the Democrats and the Liberals brought to one another.
He also said that the PSD members work on a vote of censure that has a political character, namely on the political situation in Romania. "We keep on asking the government to come before the Parliament into a restructured composition for a vote of confidence. If this doesn't happen, we shall take action to eliminate the current coalition on a democratic and parliamentary way, after which we shall initiate consultations with the parties to build up a new parliamentary majority, a stable one. If this is proves not to be feasible, then we shall go in favour for the anticipated elections", Diaconescu said.(R.A.)
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