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  Nr. 3886 de joi, 22 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Cultural Center in Bulgarian toilet
Whereas the Bulgarians were offered room in the art museum in the town of Calafat, Romania, they decided to offer Romania a location to promote culture: an ex public toilet.
The Romanian Cultural Center in Vidin is housed in the ex toilet of the City Hall, a surface of 10 square meters only. It is under the administration of Ivan Juvetov, formerly an employee of the Vidin City Hall. Just like Serbia, Bulgaria doesn't acknowledge the existence of a Romanian minority there.
ZIUA sources claim that Ivan Juvetov managed to persuade the city officials in Vidin to support this so-called Romanian Cultural Center. But the City Hall of Calafat did indeed support the opening of a Bulgarian Cultural Center, providing generous space in the city's art museum. (...) (G.D.)
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