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  Nr. 3886 de joi, 22 martie 2007 
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Committee to investigate minister Macovei
The ZIUA editor-in-chief Sorin Rosca Stanescu asked the Senate Committee for Abuse yesterday to establish a parliamentary committee to investigate on the Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei, claiming the latter official had committed severe abuses concerning him. When being questioned yesterday by the senators in the above-mentioned committee, Rosca Stanescu accused the minister of abuse at work and abuse against the freedom of speech, after the minister had publicly and repeatedly asked him to be "more discrete" about the Ministry of Justice, since he was under criminal investigations himself. The ZIUA official mentioned: "I think I am the harmed side and I will address Justice." He outlined the case he was investigated in was of a dominantly political nature. Senators are to decide on this request for a committee to investigate on minister Macovei in next week's meeting, when the latter is to be interrogated.
Two categories of abuses
Rosca Stanescu mentioned two categories of abuses that minister Macovei had committed. He argued: "There are several deeds in two categories of abuses. Although the minister's statements can't be said to have ordered the court how to approach the case, they have got negative, but not at all positive connotations. It may make us think that the minister tried indirectly, publicly, to influence Justice in a certain way. The fact that the same deed was done four times proves a certain perseverance in her wish to influence Justice." He said it after recounting Macovei's public statements against him.
He explained: "When the Justice minister warns you that you are in trouble and you should be more discrete, then it is clear that she is trying to put pressure on the freedom of speech." He highlighted that Monica Macoveu had committed an abuse directly related to the freedom of speech, given his status as head of a publication. During yesterday's hearing he also commented that the Romanian minister was politically influenced and she herself was also influencing Justice. (...)
Andrei GHICIUSCA, Valentina DELEANU 
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