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  Nr. 3885 de miercuri, 21 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Bribe for Berceanu
Minister Berceanu got thousands of dollars, which the Democrats grabbed from Petrobrazi Company, while the Romanian Democrat Convention was reigning. The criminal case was called SUNOIL, but the Prosecutor's Office hid it well.
Liviu Constantin Nita and Corneliu Ruse, formerly a leader of the PD (Democrat Party) in Prahova, set business to cheat on the refinery in Ploiesti. Sunoil Company got the money from the oil company at that time subordinate to the industry minister Radu Berceanu.
Liviu Nita says he bought himself some tranquility by fueling thousands of dollars to the Democrats' bank accounts and to leaders Corneliu Ruse, Gheorghe Albu and Radu Berceanu. But the Petrobrazi informed the Prosecutor's Office when it had become unbearable. Nita was the only one found guilty and he spent two years behind bars. Berceanu, Albu and Ruse were charged with complicity to fraud. Nicolae Staiculescu, a Democrat secretary of state in the government of the Romanian Democrat Convention, was charge with bribe. Nita told investigators how, where and whom he bribed, still the case was buried. Corneliu Ruse, the main link, died in the meantime. Berceanu is now claiming that is was all "a political affair". (...) (M.G.)
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