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  Nr. 3885 de miercuri, 21 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Aubenas testified
French journalist Florence Aubenas who had shared the cell with the Romanian journalists abducted in Iraq two years ago answered the questions asked by Ovidiu Ohanesian. Bucharest Court of Appeal received yesterday her testimony required by the rogatory commission established to question the French journalist.
The testimony required by the Romanian court through the Ministry of Justice was read yesterday by the judge in charge of the case charging Mohammad Munaf with terrorism.
Aubenas recounted the circumstances when she had been kidnapped in January 5, 2005 and her days as prisoner in the basement of a house, blindfolded and hand tied. The journalist claimed there had been several persons in that location, but she said she couldn't give names and mentioned the abductors had forbidden them to talk to each other. According to Aubenas, Romanian journalist Ohanesian had been the scapegoat all the time they had been in detention in Iraq and he used to be sanctioned for every mistake, being slapped lots of times. (O.A.)
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