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  Nr. 3885 de miercuri, 21 martie 2007 
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Verdict: guilty!
The President of Romania Traian Basescu broke the Constitution. According to parliamentary sources, this is the conclusion of the report authored by the MPs in the committee analyzing the initiative to suspend the Romanian President. The document is to be released today.
Committee members have concluded that Traian Basescu is guilty of breaking the fundamental law. Here are the main accusations in the report: interference in the activity of Justice and of the Superior Council of Magistracy, dismissal of secret service chiefs, 6-week refusal to approve of the foreign minister's resignation and refusal to appoint Liberal Teodor Atanasiu a defense minister. These are only some of the accusations tackled in the document.
The report is accompanied by the stenograms of the meeting when Claudiu Saftoiu, formerly a chief of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service), was questioned on some phone call intercepting by the SIE. Committee sources comment: "In the report there is highlighted how serious it is that the SIE intercepted calls in Romania. It is the Romanian Secret Service that is allowed to intercept calls on Romanian territory, not the SIE."
There are also several reproaches the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has been voicing in the last months. Traian Basescu is reproached for dismissing the heads of the secret services by breaking article 94 in the Constitution, according to which the head of state appoints people in public posts only in keeping with the law. Committee members have agreed that both the dismissal and appointing of secret service heads are to be settled by the Parliament.
The document also mentions the Romanian President's statements on magistrates. The latter's representatives have accused the head of state of interference in Justice affairs numberless times. The President explained his decision to acquit several convicts in 2006, claiming he did it only after Justice had reached unfair verdicts. Traian Basescu is also reproached for what the Liberals have ceaselessly reproached him for: his refusal to appoint Atanasiu a minister and his decision to keep the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an uncertain situation, which provides Liberal Adrian Cioroianu with the status of "almost a minister".
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