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  Nr. 3884 de marti, 20 martie 2007 
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UDMR nailed to the wall
-- The president-player Traian Basescu made one more seemingly spectacular move yesterday and nailed the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) to the wall. He consented to the solicitation from the Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei and prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu that there should be opened criminal investigations against the Romanian communication minister Zsolt Nagy in 'the spy case'.
The past of this case is as interesting as possible. Prosecutor Nastasiu signed the resolution to start criminal inquiry on it the minute when authorities decided not to open criminal investigations on Hayssam's disappearance. Nastasiu proceeded to it and the accuseds were picked up the very day when President Basescu was chairing the meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defense, tackling energy security matters and privatization in particular.
By yesterday's decision the head of state delivered a message as clear as daylight to the UDMR: the communication minister's fate is up to the way you will be acting on the stage of politics. The UDMR leader Marko Bela announced the minister was enjoying their full support both as minister and candidate to become a MEP. (...)
Tariceanu: It smells like blackmail
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu commented yesterday that the ambiguous situation of minister Nagy, a case in which the special committee analyzing criminal complaints had expressed no clear response, was abnormal and suggested the idea of blackmail.
The PM argued: "I don't know if they are starting criminal inquiry against Zsolt Nagy. We are talking about a minister who has been in an uncertain situation for two months now. The way his case has been handled smells like blackmail to me. To blackmail ministers with criminal records seems unacceptable to me." (A.H. R.G.)
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