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  Nr. 3883 de luni, 19 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Ultimatum for interior minister is up
The deadline that Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu set for the interior minister Vasile Blaga to resign was up yesterday. It was Cozmin Gusa, leader of the PIN (national Initiative Party), who announced it yesterday.
Gusa reminded that last Wednesday the Romanian PM had asked the interior minister to resign because of not having signed the government ordinance postponing the elections of MEPs in Romania or he would be revoked. According to the PIN leader, the minister asked for sometime to think about what decision to make and this time was up yesterday. (...)
The PIN leader asked minister Blaga not to continue "Traian Basescu's game meant to weaken the Romanian government" and resign. He commented that one couldn't head the Ministry of Internal Affairs if one doesn't obey one's boss. Gusa concluded: "This is a decision Vasile Blaga is capable of. I have known him since the electoral campaign, just like I have known Traian Basescu. I trust Blaga more than I trust Traian Basescu." (R.I.P.)
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