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  Nr. 3877 de luni, 12 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
He doesn't receive him!
-- PM Calin-Popescu Tariceanu notified president Traian Basescu yesterday evening that he didn't considered the presence of the chief of State at the Executive's today meeting as justified.
"We are not in the situation provided by Article 87 of the Constitution of Romania, whereas the decision on the organization of elections for the European Parliament is not one relating to foreign politics but of domestic politics", Tariceanu told the president. Previously, Basescu had officially informed the PM that, on the grounds of Articles 86, 87 and 148 (4) of the Constitution, he wanted to participate in the special meeting of the Executive, dedicated to the postponement of the Euro-elections, and had asked the latter to inform him on the "starting hour of the Government meeting". Calin Popescu-Tariceanu announced, last Saturday, his intent to postpone the Europarliamentary elections, explaining that the current political crisis would be a "parasite" to this scrutiny. The decision is to be made today, in the Government meeting. (R.G., C.E.)
Basescu sits tight
President Traian Basescu answered back PM Tariceanu, claiming that his participation in the Government's today meeting is not only an opportune but also a mandatory one, and informed him that, as announced previously, he would take part in the Executive's meeting, says a Mediafax release.
The presidential administration says that president Traian Basescu answered the PM, the latter saying that the presence of the chief of State at the Government's special meeting of March 12th "is not justified".
Basescu informed Tariceanu he had no "legal right nor the moral qualification" to forbid him the exercise of the incumbent duties.
A r h i v a
  Basescu brothers    
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