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  Nr. 3877 de luni, 12 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
"Liiceanu Case", ZIUA launched, had, no doubt, a long run during the last two weeks, of the public debates in the Romanian press, outranking by far even the major political crisis our society is confronted with for the time being. Over sixty articles have been written and signed by the most known names of the Romanian culture: Andrei Plesu, Mircea Cartarescu, Lucian Pintilie, Andrei Milca, Horia Roman Patapievici, Gabriel Andreescu, Livius Ciocarlie, Andrei Cornea, Cristian Tudor Popescu and many others. It is true that many of the other by-liners are outside the subject, as of their texts only comes out the intention to attack those who dared to scratch the gypsum statue risen to Liiceanu all these years. Among the publications that have housing the subject, Cotidianul and Evenimentul Zilei dailies were by far those that had several feedbacks every day. The "22" Review passed to the middle ground Mircea Eliade centenary just to have more pages to "defend" Gabriel Liiceanu. Liiceanu's friends unheard of solidarity is worthy of respect, even though most of the mentioned articles only drove us into a corner, in an unexpectedly vile language that, have rather drawn up attention upon the case referred to. Who could have imagined that the fragile Andrei Plesu, the profound Andrei Cornea or the western-driven Lucian Pintilie know so well the art of calumny, practised as a cultural argument? Otherwise, we have to point out the fact that, among all those who reacted to our approach, it is exactly Gabriel Liiceanu who had an exemplary discourse. It is exactly he who, being the target of our articles, was entitled to call us hard, has tried to clear out every count of indictment in a civilised manner, powdered, quite naturally, with specific language games that make the delight of the debate.
Twe also have to underline the incredible number of commentators (over a hundred thousand!) on various forums who have joined into a formidable dispute on the topic we have proposed. However, what is left after these energies are consumed? Practically nobody contested our accusations. The fact that Liiceanu has taken out, from his second edition of the volume "Tragicul. O fenomenologie a limitei �i dep�irii", the pages on Marx was for real, especially that their republication, now, in "22" review, confirms our thesis. According to it, the author got separated in time of the ideology of the father of communism. We do not insist upon the so-called dissident text, dedicated to "comrade Clocotici", as Gabriel Liiceanu now admits: "I have never made much of my anticommunist past. I didn't even have one in the meaning of the great protesting gestures of Goma or Doina Cornea types" ("22" Review, no. 10/2007, p. 8). If he takes out of the personal sites those false labelling and won't let the TV moderators introduce him as a dissident, we may consider this matter clarified once and for good. The most serious accusation we brought is the one relating to the literary theft and, unfortunately, it hasn't been clarified, although things are as clear as possible. It is high time we told Gabriel Liiceanu that, if he feels our accusations did him injustice, the only honourable way to punish us is to call us before Court, and not to make appeal to the "commando troops" ready to publicly lynch us without knowing what they were talking about. Let us be clear: a literary theft is a stealing in the true meaning of the word, otherwise being also penalised by the Penal Code, be it only for three lines from the author one has translated. It is the same as in the case of the most ordinary pilfering: one has stolen a duck, that means s/he is a thief even though s/he hasn't taken the whole chicken coop.
New incriminating evidences of literary theft make the "Liiceanu polemics", hosted by ZIUA daily, continue.
"The Romanian Society of Phenomenology should tell us who says that Man is to deinotaton, Heidegger or Liiceanu?" asks Spanu. In his book, "Despre minciuna" (Trad.: "On Lie"), published at Humanitas Publishing House in 2006, Liiceanu says: "Man is to deinotaton, the terrible thing above all, the weirdest, the supreme unfamiliar and horrification". In Heidegger's "Introduction to Metaphysics" we read: "Man is to deinotaton, the most unfamiliar". "It is as if having written, under own signature, Cogito ergo sum, without saying it was taken from Descartes", says Spanu. Another evidence to back up the accusation of literary theft refers to the notes in "Platon - Opere", vol.II, published at Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing House in 1976. "Liiceanu writes by his own hand that the notes to Hippias Minor belong to Petru Cretia, but he later on forgets to use the quotation marks and to make again that reference. What can we say now, when the literary theft is recognised by its author?" Spanu adds. (...)
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  He doesn't receive him!    
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