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  Nr. 3874 de joi, 8 martie 2007 
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Musca leaves Parliament
Deputy Mona Musca announced yesterday that she was resigning from the Parliament and from the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) too, because the Court of Appeal reached verdict that the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decision, according to which Mona Musca had collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), was fair. Her decision to resign is premier in Romanian politics. She is the first Romanian MP to do this because of having collaborated with the ex Securitate. Her attitude made Dan Voiculescu say he would take her as example in case the court decided he was guilty of involvement in the political police.
Yesterday she started her speech as follows: "At such gloomy times, when politics is everywhere and in everything, the decision authored by the Court of Appeal is unjust and incorrect and it has got nothing to do with the evidence, since the latter can't even point to the breaking of human rights." She went on by explaining the two reasons why she was resigning as deputy: "Here is the first one: my membership to and work in the Parliament of Romania wouldn't be as efficient as so far, given the present circumstances. I would no longer manage to represent those who elected me for the Parliament as well and efficiently." The second reason she invoked was her unwillingness to legitimate those who would have real reasons to leave the Parliament.
After announcing her resignation as MPs, Musca informed she was also resigning as member of the PLD, claiming she didn't want the party and her colleagues to become target of offensives.
Political police for people
On the other hand she claimed she had never pursued personal interests in her political career, but only the consolidation of democracy in Romania, for the sake of Romanians in particular. She added she had tried to stay out of political games and any "political swindling".
She took this opportunity to announce her intention to address the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to get the justice Romania failed to do her. She highlighted she didn't think of herself as 'a loser', due to the 17 years of "efficient politics treasuring people and of positive results for Romanians and for the consolidation of Romanian democracy." She resumed her message by "May God give us good news only!" (...)
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