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  Nr. 3873 de miercuri, 7 martie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Court of Appeal: Musca collaborated with ex Securitate
-- Bucharest Court of Appeal dismissed yesterday Mona Musca's appeal against the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decision, according to which the ex Liberal had been involved in political police activities.
Yesterday's decision of the Court is final and irrevocable and therefore it may no longer be appealed against. Court members decided that Mona Musca had participated at political police activities because the documents she had signed had touched upon human rights, supporting the Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) to maintain terror as regime. Given this verdict, the Prosecutor's Office may take action and investigate Mona Mosca for false statements.
Valeriu Stoica, Mona Musca's lawyer, described yesterday's verdict as "unfair". He commented: "I can't understand why such a verdict. Out of respect for Justice, I have no more comments. But I think this is an unfair verdict. (...) (C.E.)
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